There’s Something About a Crow Pose

Yesterday, with my fantabulous Pocket Yoga app, I decided to go for a 45 minute yoga session before work.

I was continually interrupted, but aside from those external annoyances, things were going great. I finally started feeling less tense and tight from all the running and biking I’ve been doing.

However, I came across a pose that the limited yogi in me has never encountered. The woman said something about a crow pose? The animation itself made it look very simple but it actually looked something like this:

I’m definitely going to need a bit more upper body strength before I can attempt something like this! I was a bit incredulous to find this in a beginner’s set of poses but okay, so I’m a little more newb than I thought. No big deal. I’ll just keep at it!

I headed to the pool last night after work. I plan to go every Friday after work, but sometimes post-work happy hours get in the way…along with some beer and brats and a desire to lay down. However, I made it this time. I had lunch at around 12:30 (a veggie sandwich from Jimmy John’s…and okay, a bag of chips too, whatever). I hit the pool at 6 and I still felt sick! My stomach is way more sensitive than I thought. I either have to be 8 hours empty or swim first thing in the morning to avoid getting sick. Or, if I take the olympic-distance self-paced tri route, then I just have to eat gels all day leading up to the swim.

I got in the pool and was able to muster up about 15 laps, so about a quarter mile. After my first lap someone joined my lane, and he was much faster and splashier than I was. Every flip turn he did sent a tidal wave of chlorinated water into my nostrils and face and I wasn’t too happy about that. Unfortunately all lanes were taken up with slowpokes like me so I must’ve looked like the fastest slowpoke there tonight. I left after a quarter mile because I felt mostly sick but also partially because this guy was really annoying.

Anywho, I’m looking forward to a productive weekend. I have a few books I want to wrap up (Chi Running, Design for Hackers), a book I want to start, and some biking/swimming/running/yoga I’d like to do. I also need to go grocery shopping now that I’m back to eating solid food again. Hoping to stock up on some juicing essentials so that I can get back into the swing of things again. Also looking to add some more greens to my diet. I’m debating between my green smoothies again and juicing. I like both but I think the pendulum has swung back in the other direction and I’m interested in geting back to my smoothies again.

Also, another bit of good news — I pulled in another $50 to my Dress for Success fundraiser! It turns out that their office is undergoing some change. I’m also considering a volunteer mentor position, so all in all things seem to be looking up, despite all the crazy stress at work.

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