Week 7 Ironman Louisville Training: May Hope Forever Wipe Away Your Tears

So I've been recovering (a.k.a. being really lazy) during week 7 of my training. I've been laying off of it but I think I can begin putting in more time and miles now that I have full mobility of my ankle. Things still seem a bit stiff physically but they pale in comparison to the … Continue reading Week 7 Ironman Louisville Training: May Hope Forever Wipe Away Your Tears

New Trainer/Coach, New Race, and Week Recap

What a week! It's been very productive. On Tuesday, after a lot of internal debating, I hired a personal trainer to help me reach my goals. On Wednesday, he proceeded to metaphorically kick my ass in a very good way. On Thursday, I looked in to my goal race (Rev3 Portland) and it was cancelled!! I was … Continue reading New Trainer/Coach, New Race, and Week Recap

Planning for Rev3, Personal Training Certification, and More

A bit of trailing exhaustion and/or fatigue has gotten in the way of doing anything somewhat routine. After my short half mile pool session yesterday, I felt a bit under the weather because I was convinced that I might've caught some dreaded germs from the water. I felt a bit lethargic today but just chalked it … Continue reading Planning for Rev3, Personal Training Certification, and More